National Trust Database - Search Results

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Displaying 1- 2 of 2 records found
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Acacia melvillei


Culgoa Road,, ULTIMA VIC 3544 - Property No T11170

Rare or localised This is a fine specimen of Acacia melvillei located within a large stand of saplings. The planting exists in a triangular reserve, bordered by the railway line, Swan Hill Road and to the south-west. This tree was one of the largest in the group with another large single tree on the opposite side of the road. The species is listed as vulnerable in Victoria and has been recorded in 15 locations.(1995) 09/2013: The original tree looks in poor ... more



Acacia melvillei


Sturt Highway, MERBEIN SOUTH VIC 3505 - Property No T11922

Rare or localised: A rare and endangered species in the wild and only acknowledged as a species in 1978. Also found in small populations in NSW and Queensland this species has its south-westlimit in Mildura where it is restricted to a 14km stretch. This is the best remaining stand and affords the chance of conserving the species in Victoria Located 2km south on Sturt Highway from Merbein South Measurements:11/1982 Spread (m):3.0 Girth (m): 0.8 ... more

